Los Angeles, CA
Cleaning Services
Amy’S Angels Cleaning Inc
Amy’S Angels Cleaning Inc

Amy’S Angels Cleaning Inc Reviews Summary

Cleaning Services | Los Angeles, CA

What do customers say about Amy’S Angels Cleaning Inc?

As of May 01, 2024, 52 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.4 Star out of 5. The following report provides an in-depth analysis of customer reviews collected.

they did an incredible job

went above and beyond

you rock

absolutely a great experience

delight to do business with

excellent job

amazing job

outstanding customer service

quite simple

immaculately cleaned

Source: This report was produced by TrustGuide based on a randomly selected sample of 10 publicly available reviews, sorted by relevance. See source

Created by
Trustguide AI
Published on
May 1, 2024
Last updated
May 1, 2024

Overall Reputation

Based on the selected reviews, Trustguide has assessed this business as follows:
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Overall Rating
Customer Satisfaction Rate
Trustguide uses AI for unbiased and objective review summaries. We strive for accuracy but aren't responsible for source material or decision outcomes.

Amy’S Angels Cleaning Inc's customer reviews analysis

Overall, the reputation of Mya Cleaning Services appears to be quite positive as evidenced by the latest reviews from customers. The reviews suggest a high level of satisfaction with the cleaning services provided, noting the efficiency, professionalism, and thoroughness of the cleaning teams. Punctuality and a strong work ethic are recurring themes, with specific mentions of teams being hardworking and going above and beyond expected duties. Customer service is characterized as prompt, polite, and accommodating, suggesting effective communication and a focus on customer needs. The ease of booking services online and the company's responsiveness to feedback, including follow-up and adjustments to ensure customer satisfaction, contribute positively to their reputation.

Positive Feedback

Positive customer experiences with Mya Cleaning Services frequently highlight the professional and courteous nature of the cleaning staff. Customers report exceptional cleanliness and attention to detail, with teams going so far as to clean often-overlooked areas such as baseboards, inside ovens, and microwaves, and organizing personal items like dog toys. Reviews indicate a sense of trust and appreciation for the staff's kind interactions, especially with repeated bookings, emphasizing clients' comfort with letting the teams into their homes. The convenience of booking and scheduling, complemented by efficient text messaging for updates, enhances the customer experience by catering to busy lifestyles.

Concerns and Threads

While overwhelmingly positive, the customer feedback for Mya Cleaning Services does include an individual case requiring company follow-up. An indication of a less-than-satisfactory experience initially led a customer to update their review, which was addressed by Mya Cleaning Services with an apology and a refund. This isolated incident may suggest that while the service is generally excellent, there can be instances where the company may need to rectify situations post-service. However, the proactive customer service approach and the willingness to rectify issues contribute to the overall positive perception of the company.

Frequently asked questions about Amy’S Angels Cleaning Inc

Can I request the same cleaning team for each session?

Yes, many customers rebook the same cleaners for subsequent sessions due to satisfaction with their service.

Does Mya Cleaning Services provide deep cleaning and move-out cleaning options?

Yes, they offer a range of services including standard cleaning, deep cleaning, moving-related cleaning, and more.

How does Mya Cleaning manage scheduling and communication with clients?

The company utilizes convenient text messaging to provide updates on arrival times and schedules, and they have a system in place for easy online booking.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Amy’S Angels Cleaning Inc

Amy’S Angels Cleaning Inc
Emily Gomez
6 months ago
I had to drop a quick review for Mya Cleaning. I recently hired them to clean my 2 bedroom apartment and they did an incredible job! The team was punctual, efficient, and left my home looking spotless. Customer service was prompt and polite. I highly recommend their services! Give them a try! Services: Standard cleaning, Moving-related cleaning, General housekeeping, Deep clean
Amy’S Angels Cleaning Inc
Jack Mannis
3 months ago
Kattlin and Maritza are extremely hard working and went above and beyond to make my house spotless. I was blown away to be honest, and I’ll definitely be requesting them again and will be using Mya going forward!
Amy’S Angels Cleaning Inc
Laura Bastianelli
a month ago
We were very pleased with the tough job cleaning our 2 bedroom house today. Thank you very much Melissa and Cindy, you rock! You ladies were focused, hard working and professional. We will definitely call again.
Read all reviews

About Amy’S Angels Cleaning Inc

Cleaning Services
Mya Cleaning Services offers quality cleaning services for everyone in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. If you don't have enough time to keep your home tidy and clean, we can send our highly trained cleaners to do the job. We are ready to cover all your cleaning needs thanks to our variety of add-ons and cleaning packages, such as commercial cleaning, regular house cleaning, and post-construction cleaning services. Besides, our eco-friendly products will keep your household safe. Schedule quickly and easily on our online booking system!