Miami, FL
Pool Services
Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa

Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa Reviews Summary


Pool Services | Miami, FL


11035 Bird Rd, Miami, FL 33165, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 237 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.1 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
March 1, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa's customer reviews analysis

Evaluating the company reputation of Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa based on customer reviews, there seems to be a notable disparity in experiences. A recurring theme is the dissatisfaction with customer service, particularly post-purchase support. Complaints include missed delivery appointments resulting in financial and time costs for customers, difficulty in obtaining service or assistance when needed, and poor communication amongst staff members. Instances were reported where managerial intervention was either absent or unhelpful, worsening customer frustration. Additionally, discordance between product pricing perceptions indicates concerns over value for money. While the store's selection and expertise in pool needs are acknowledged, these positives are overshadowed by the repeated emphasis on customer service failings.

Positive Feedback

Positive customer feedback for Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa highlights the store's ability to meet consumers' pool needs with a comprehensive product selection. Specific commendations point to the helpful and polite nature of store employees who aid customers in navigating the store's offerings. The spa section, in particular, receives praise for its quality, suggesting that in some instances, the customer service is meeting expectations. Positive in-store interactions and a notable selection contribute to the perception of Pinch A Penny as a knowledgeable provider in the pool and spa supply industry.

Concerns and Threads

Negative feedback centers heavily on customer service issues. Several customers reported a lack of assistance in the store, with understaffing and a lack of employee knowledge being common complaints. Post-sale service appears to be significantly lacking, with unmet promises of delivery, discounts, and follow-up support generating considerable customer frustration. Communication breakdown between staff and management, as well as between the company and customers, has evidently led to a loss of trust and dissatisfaction. The company's handling of service appointments, product pricing, and return policies has also been criticized, suggesting systemic issues in customer care practices.

Frequently asked questions about Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa

Can I expect reliable service and support for my purchase at Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa?

Based on customer reviews, service and post-purchase support have been inconsistent. While there are positive reports about in-store assistance, there is also significant feedback about missed appointments, subpar follow-up, and communication issues, suggesting that reliable service may not be guaranteed.

Does Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa offer competitive pricing on their products?

Customer perception of pricing varies. Some reviews indicate that products may be overpriced, suggesting that it is advisable for customers to compare prices with other providers before making a purchase decision.

If I have an issue with a purchase from Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa, can I expect a straightforward resolution process?

Based on several reviews, resolving issues may not be straightforward. Customers have reported difficulty in getting refunds, poor communication from management, and unhelpful responses, which implies that resolutions may require persistence and may not always be satisfactory.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa

Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa
Frances Kubat
4 months ago
Disappointing! When I went, there wasn't a single employee on the floor. Anyone could've walked in and took whatever they wanted without anyone knowing! The one employee I found, I asked him for help to check out. He didn't know much English and told me to wait. I stood by the cash register for quite some time before someone finally showed up. Then, they didn't know the code to log in to the computer and delayed the 3 people in line even more. Lastly, the one single item I went to get was OVERPRICED! At that point, I just didn't care, took my receipt, and don't plan to go back for a very long time. This place used to be my go-to for anything pool related. It has scaled down to the ground, unfortunately.
Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa
alejandro aguirre
6 months ago
I do not recommend this company I bought all my products here over $3000 dollars and I just expected to have service when needed and of course willing to pay for the service. But they don’t care to continue the service when try to schedule an appointment for service. Not very helpful not recommended.
Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa
a month ago
Complete disaster. No help to be found. Only two employees. One very old and the other had no intention to do business.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa's customers had a positive experience.

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Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa

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About Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa

Pool Services

Chain stocking a range of products for swimming pools & spas, including chemicals, toys & equipment.
