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What do customers say about Ulta Beauty?
As of Sep 02, 2024, 367 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Ulta Beauty's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.
This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source
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Published on
September 2, 2024
Last updated
September 2, 2024
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As of Sep 02, 2024, 367 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4 Star out of 5. The following report provides an in-depth analysis of customer reviews collected.
Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Ulta Beauty
Ayde Lopez
3 months ago
Straightener was marked for $32.99 and rang up for $49.99 asked them to respect the price I saw it for like they do at ANY other store I should know cuz I’ve worked at a couple of stores and manager said no because kids switch products around when there was multiple items not just 1 or 2 she gave attitude and complained she’s had to fix multiple items throughout the store like it’s not her job to do so or like it was my fault, HORRIBLE customer service and management skills. Cashier Alma was super sweet about the whole situation though since she was the third party involved since manager couldn’t speak to me directly even though I was standing right in front of her!
Amber Bruno
a month ago
I had an appointment with the salon for a formal makeup service. My stylist was, Jaqueline H., and she was nice, but I was not happy with my service. The lighting in the store is not fit for makeup. I came home and was completely orange. I had to take off all of my makeup and redo it myself for my event. $70 wasted! Not going to return.
Rider4Z - Otaku Lounge Productions
3 months ago
Employee makes me not want to go back.
A week ago was my first time going into Ulta. I don't usually go into beauty stores and felt very much like a fish out of water. But everything went fine, I found a new brand of nail polish to try and I ended up loving it so today I went back for 4 more colors. But today the sales person who checked me out makes wanna never go back in that store again. She asked me several times for my phone number for various reasons and each time I said no. Then she finally said I needed to give them my phone number in case I wanted to return the polish. I questioned why and she immediately got defensive. It was "store policy" and "not her decision" when I didn't accuse her of anything and I even said out loud I know it's not her fault. I suggested she tell her manager I think it's a ridiculous policy and she repeated it wasn't her decision. Then when I tried explaining why I wasn't comfortable giving my phone number she immediately cut me off "That's ok." I quietly tried 2 or 3 times and she cut me off each time. I could tell she was obviously bothered so I tried showing some empathy and asked if they get harassed regularly over it, but she made it very clear she wanted nothing to do with me and turned her back on me before I even left the counter. I even apologized out loud to her as if I had done something wrong. I tried talking to her about how much I liked the polish, how it hadn't chipped in a full week but she still dismissed me. I used a friendly voice and told her I hope she has a good day. She did not respond to it. I had gone into Ulta with the mindset that I was gonna talk to the employees about how much I loved the polish and have some friendly morning conversation, but I left feeling like a horrible person instead.
I think you either need to pay your employees better so they're happy to be at work and/or give them better training. Also drop the whole phone number returns policy, I can easily buy this brand elsewhere.
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