Philadelphia, PA
Massage Therapists
Hand & Stone Massage And Facial Spa

Hand & Stone Massage And Facial Spa Reviews Summary


Massage Therapists | Philadelphia, PA


420 N 20th St, Philadelphia, PA 19130, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Hand & Stone Massage And Facial Spa?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 355 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.3 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Hand & Stone Massage And Facial Spa's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 17, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Hand & Stone Massage And Facial Spa's customer reviews analysis

The reviews for Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa present a mixed impression of the company's reputation and the customer experience offered. Key positive elements include high praise for certain therapists who provide exceptional services, with specific mentions of exceptional skills and attentiveness to client needs. Several customers reported leaving their massage sessions feeling relaxed and rejuvenated, and the appealing ambiance also received commendation. On the other hand, substantial negative feedback outlined administrative issues, such as problematic membership policies, inaccurate scheduling, and poor customer service response. Disturbingly, there are instances where customer safety and comfort were compromised, including reports of inappropriate conduct and dissatisfaction with the quality of massages provided. Thus, while there are individual professionals within the company delivering high-quality services, administrative and potentially ethical issues are tarnishing the reputation of the spa.

Positive Feedback

A recurring theme in the positive feedback for Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa is the expertise and professionalism of certain massage therapists. Clients commend therapists who are highly knowledgeable about specific health conditions and who tailor their massage techniques to address individual needs, such as those of athletes or clients with unique health issues. First-time clients often reported a remarkable introductory experience, expressing eagerness to return. Add-on services like Deep Tissue massages receive particular endorsement for their effectiveness in relieving tension. The customer service experience and the warm, welcoming atmosphere prevalent at some locations are additional factors contributing positively to the company's reputation. Personal anecdotes of transformational experiences indicate the potential for high satisfaction when services are rendered correctly.

Concerns and Threads

There is significant adverse feedback pointing to systemic issues within Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa, notably involving membership cancellations and billing practices. Cases of clients being charged multiple times or without clear communication about membership fees undermine trust. Furthermore, customer service has been notably criticized for inaccuracies in appointment scheduling and a lack of satisfactory resolutions to complaints. Reports of poor execution of services, such as massages that fail to meet the requested intensity or discomfort due to cold oils, indicate inconsistencies in service quality. Most alarmingly, allegations of inappropriate behavior by a therapist raise serious concerns about client safety and the company's vetting and training procedures. These negative aspects point to a need for urgent attention to administrative procedures and customer service protocols.

Frequently asked questions about Hand & Stone Massage And Facial Spa

What should I know before signing up for a membership at Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa?

Prospective members should be aware of customer accounts indicating difficulties in cancelling memberships and potentially unclear billing practices. It is advisable to thoroughly review the membership terms and ensure understanding of monthly fees and cancellation policies before committing.

Can I choose my massage therapist at Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa?

Yes, you can request a specific massage therapist when scheduling your appointment. Customer feedback suggests that finding a therapist who meets your individual needs can significantly enhance your massage experience.

What if I have a special health condition? Can Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa accommodate my needs?

Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa has therapists who are knowledgeable about various health conditions. It is crucial to communicate any special health-related needs or concerns before your session so that the staff can assign a suitable therapist and tailor the service to your requirements.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Hand & Stone Massage And Facial Spa

Hand & Stone Massage And Facial Spa
Tianna Singleton
3 weeks ago
Please do not sign up for a membership! Unless you want to save 10$ and go every single month. I called in to cancel and they’ve told me the manager would call me within 24 hours for whatever reason instead of just cancelling it. Now looking into other reviews, I see that there are many other problems! I’ve also had a bad experience at this location with Anthony and chose not to speak about it until now. I’ve been inappropriate touched and overall just affected by it since. I just don’t even know why I thought that coming back and seeing someone else would be a good idea. When every time I even think about it, I am reminded of the horrors that I’ve endured. I’d just rather share my experience and try to warn anyone else that may see this!
Hand & Stone Massage And Facial Spa
Jennifer McPherson
2 weeks ago
The customer service and professionalism at this location has gone done significantly. Two times within the past 4 months they have scheduled my appointments inaccurately, shortened the times of my services and the last time they were unapologetic and offered no solution. Save yourself the trouble and either go to a different location or stay away from this franchise completely. In addition to their response posted below, I explicitly asked for a specific date for my appointment due to my busy schedule. Their staff that take appointments obviously need to be trained if they are asked for a specific date but book for another. They’re gaslighting to make themselves look better is appalling and I will be contacting corporate.
Hand & Stone Massage And Facial Spa
julia stokes
4 months ago
This was my first time EVER getting a massage and I truly had such a great experience! Jasmine clearly has so much experience and made the whole thing so incredible. I explained to her that I am a runner training for a race and she made sure to target specific areas of my body that running has affected. I recommend upgrading to Deep Tissue (which I did) because it really addressed those areas with more tension! Highly recommend this location.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Hand & Stone Massage And Facial Spa's customers had a positive experience.

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Hand & Stone Massage And Facial Spa

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About Hand & Stone Massage And Facial Spa

Massage Therapists

Hand & Stone provides professional spa experiences to clients in Logan Square and the surrounding areas. Let us provide you with pampering services that include a variety of massage types performed by licensed and certified massage therapists, facials performed by professional estheticians, wax-free hair removal, and spa enhancements such as foot treatments, aromatherapy, and more. We are open 7 days a week with extended hours and accept both appointments and walk ins. We even offer a membership program that helps members save on their monthly services and earn points that can be used with our nationwide Member’s Rewards program. Visit us at our relaxing spa where we will help you feel and look your best affordably!
